Coaching novices to use a shotgun for the first time includes instruction in shotgun safety, determining eye dominance, correct stance and gun fit, and how to shoot a moving target. This introductory lesson takes about half an hour, firing 25 shots. After this the client can decide whether to proceed with further coaching straight away or to come back another day to continue.
Children can benefit from a novice lesson from the age of about 8 or 9, using a suitable shortened shotgun. Instructors are CRB checked and fully insured.
As a second lesson there would be a recap on gun safety, check on eye dominance, stance and gun fit, then firing 50 shots at a variety of targets. This would probably take just less than an hour.
Further coaching for game and sporting clay shots is available to suit the client’s requirements at a mutually convenient location.
Game Shooting
To get the most enjoyment out of a day’s shooting you may require some help with any aspect of shooting, from basic dress and etiquette to coaching in the field. You may like to have the help of a loader too!